We implement best practices for cultivation and harvest

Recolectores de gulupa en el cultivo
Las plantas de gulupa deben cultivarse en invernaderos

About Our Passionfruit...

Classified as an exotic fruit in foreign countries

Passionfruit grows at altitudes between 1,500 and 3,400 meters above sea level, with optimum temperatures between 13 and 18 degrees, so its cultivation in eastern Antioquia is optimal for its climate.

At Prosagro Export we guarantee the best geneticsand choose the right seedlings to produce quality fruit.

We build greenhouses for cultivation and carry out an exhaustive pre-selection process for export.

Characteristics of our Passionfruit

Treatment and processing of our fruit

Tiempo de cosecha

Time to harvest

Between 9 and 10 months

tamaño de la fruta gulupa

Fruit size

Our fruit caliber ranges

from 26 a 36 (26 fruits per 2 kg box).

Altos estándares de calidad

High quality standards

We guarantee that fruit reaches its destination in optimal conditions.

Lugares de cultivo de gulupa

Cultivation sites

Currently harvested in east and southwest Antioquia, Colombia.

Empaquetamiento de gulupa

Packaging and pre-selection

In Guarne, Antioquia (Colombia).

destino final Europa

Final destination

We are currently in Europe and are working to reach new destinations. For this reason, Prosagro Export is part of the trade corporation Avance Passiflora.

Cosecha de gulupa

Export-quality passionfruit

Impact on the foreign market

We produce healthy fruit and take care of all its processes: planting, cultivation, harvesting, production and we select the best fruit for export and human consumption.

Our size and quality make us well received in supermarkets.

Puertos de exportación de gulupa

Ports of embarkation

Our departure ports are Turbo, Santa Marta and Cartagena.

Certificaciones de cultivo de gulupa


We have ICA, GLOBALG.A.P., GRAPS and SMETA certifications. GRAPS and SMETA