We are recognized for our transparency and accountability
What is a partner producer?
Our partner producers are micro-enterprises or individuals who are passionate about the land and looking for projects that generate impact and profits, with an emphasis on the cultivation and production of exotic fruits such as passionfruit..
They also include farmers who aspire to produce for the international market and seek an income in international currencies.
We can help you!
At Prosagro export we advise you!
We support farmers and producers from their initial investment through the final export process. No prior knowledge is needed, just a passion for the land. Ask us about our financial advising!
Ask us about our financial advice!

What do we offer you at Prosagro Export?

Reliable advice
About the passionfruit industry so you can decide if this project is meant for you.

Transport and harvesting logistics
We collect the fruit at your property and loan you the harvesting equipment.

Financial support
For obtaining seedlings grafted with the best genetics using best practices to reach maximum production.

You will sign a contract
with us
So that you are guaranteed sale of the fruit you produce.

Investment advice
We simulate your conditions to determine the resources you need and when you can expect a return on your investment.

Implementation and monitoring
We make periodic visits to evaluate yields, maximum residue limits and quality standards for fruit exported to the international market.

Assistance with setup and crop management
We can recommend suppliers experienced in assembling greenhouses, planting and managing crops to increase production.

Advice for
Since the international market requires certifications for export such as ICA, GLOBALG.A.P. and GRAPS.
What does it take to be a partner producer?

Obtain certifications
We help you with certification, so that the fruit grown is of the best export quality.
Contact us!
We are eager to meet you and find out if this project is right for you. Leave us your info and we’ll let you know: