We follow best practices for cultivation, production and export

The export process at Prosagro Export


We select the seedlings

We work hand in hand with the best growers to ensure optimal genetics, production and plant life to take maximum advantage of our resources and those of our producers.

We carefully select the seedlings we and our partners use to guarantee that they have the best genetic profile for adapting to our tropical soil.

En prosagro seleccionamos las plantulas

Soil and crop survey

Before planting the selected gulupa seedlings, we carry out a soil study to know their conditions and prepare the soil adequately to receive this valuable biological asset.

En prosagro realizamos Estudio de suelos y cultivo


Our gulupa plants do not like rain very much, but they do like water and that is why we build them semi-roof greenhouses, so that the water does not fall directly on their leaves and fruits, but can wet their roots directly.

The plant develops fruit on the vine, where you can see the whole process of fruit development, from the bud through the flower to the development and ripening of the passionfruit.

En prosagro export construimos invernaderos de semi techo


After planting our passionfruit seedlings we wait 6 to 8 months and work carefully every day to prepare for the first harvest.

We harvest the fruit directly from the plant. When it turns a purple color, it tells us that it has reached a point of sweetness suitable for our demanding customers.

En prosagro export Cosechamos la fruta directamente de la planta


The fruit is pre-selected at the farm to prevent some defects from reaching the plant.

Once it arrives at the packaging plant, the fruit is carefully selected and packaged according to our customers' quality standards.

En prosagro export la fruta se selecciona y se empaca cuidadosamente


We refrigerate the fruit so that it can withstand its long journey, which can last more than 2 weeks until it reaches our customers' warehouses.

Gulupas almacenadas


Finally, the fruit is ready for export and distribution in markets abroad.

We use best processes in the production chain to produce healthy and healthful fruit for consumption.

We act as custodians of the environment and protect the aquifers that surround us, living in a healthy balance with the land.

Utilizamos los mejores procesos en la cadena de producción y exportación de gulupa

Export Certification

Our crops are certified for good agricultural practices by the Colombian Agricultural Institute:

  • ICA Phytosanitary certificate for export
  • GAPS Certificate of good practices for agri-food producers.
  • GLOBALG.A.P . Certificate of risk assessment in social practices.